The Selfie collection
Click pics for  fun facts about me.

I just realised from the pics I have like three outfits.

Browsing Archive: January, 2019

Katie...beautiful Katie

Posted by Olivia Giles on Monday, January 21, 2019,

My sister in law Kate Dalton and her husband Mike, with their son Timothy 1995

1995, Me with Tamati and Kate with Timothy, dancing 
at a family do at the Pines...those babies are now strapping 23 year olds.

If I am going to write about the small things in my life then I am going to write about the huge overwhelming events.  

A few weeks ago I put up a blog - it had been months since I wrote one not since September, Usually the first person to 'like' my blogs on the facebooks was my sister in law...

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2019, here I come, ready or not

Posted by Olivia Giles on Wednesday, January 9, 2019,

It is New Years eve…

I am in the midst of spring cleaning.  My mother had a theory, that if your house was spotless on New Year’s Eve then it will be spotless for the rest of the year and I have always followed this advice. So I am decluttering, tidying and throwing a lot of crap out.

And “Oh My God” I have a lot of crap.

 I have clothes I never wear…(according to the KonMari method, this is the place you start purging especially the “One day I will fit into that” items from...

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Not good at keeping a diary, my brain is a bit too random but will have a decent go at it.   

About Me

Olivia Giles Kia ora everyone, I am Olivia, I am a writer, and an artist, welcome to my hectic mad world.
