The Selfie collection
Click pics for  fun facts about me.

I just realised from the pics I have like three outfits.

Browsing Archive: June, 2021

Some money and a room of one's own...

Posted by Olivia Giles on Wednesday, June 30, 2021,

I believe that everyone should have a "room" of their own, I know sometimes that isn't possible, but, when I say a room, it doesn't have to be an actual room, but a space in the universe to call their own.  It can be large, small, physical, spiritual or mental.  

A home in a suitcase

 My mother travelled the world for years working as a Shaman/ Matakite.  She taught  people to reconnect with the earth and themselves using the wisdoms that came to her through channel.  She helped thousands of pe...
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WTF....Writers that fuck-around

Posted by Olivia Giles on Sunday, June 27, 2021, In : normal 

Shit happens

Okay, lately its been drama, drama, drama, all around me.  Other peoples drama, not mine.   (I can't share that with you it belongs to others damn it , I loves a good gossip) 
I don't get to have drama, I'm to busy in my garret (bedroom) knocking out my next masterpiece (playing scrabble on the computer).
By the time I am aware I am having a drama it has already passed me by and I'm like wait a minute, I'm sure something just happened...what happened??  shoot, missed it again. 

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Little Brown Princesses

Posted by Olivia Giles on Tuesday, June 8, 2021,


When I was a little kid I was in a very bad car accident.  I was hit by a van outside my Aunty and Uncles house. 
I was at the front window waiting for my parents to come back from wherever they had been and pick me up.  When I saw their car arrive, and park across the road, I ran out of the house to it, straight into the path of an oncoming van. 
The driver had no chance, and I was hit head on and thrown a fair distance to land in a bloody heap on the road.
I remember two things from t...
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And another thing..

Posted by Olivia Giles on Friday, June 4, 2021,

Where the magic happens

Rejection is painful. And as an artist I leave myself open for rejection every single time I do anything.  There is no way around it.  I have learned that when it happens  you have to feel it, all of it, every gutting shitty moment of it,  because it will pass.  Everything passes.


I just got a rejection letter from 'Pikihuia Short Story Competition" telling me that none of the stories I entered made it through as finalists.   
It was a very nice letter, but the t...
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Not good at keeping a diary, my brain is a bit too random but will have a decent go at it.   

About Me

Olivia Giles Kia ora everyone, I am Olivia, I am a writer, and an artist, welcome to my hectic mad world.
