My beautiful son Nathan (Naffa) Henare Astwood
who turned 36 on 10 July 2018

I am a 'go out in to the world and have fun children' sort of mother while silently dying inside.  Not because I don't want them to go off and take the Universe by storm, but because I worry. 
Worry, worry, worry, worry. 
 Because I had parents who worried.  My mother almost drove my brother Johnny crazy when he was gaining his pilots licence, every time he went into the air she would be freaking out on the phone, telling him she knew for a fact he was going to crash.  (She was a world renown psychic so her words held a lot of weight.)  But he didn't crash; he got his licence.  I don't think my mothers psychic abilities were in question, it was just the anxiety of her son in the sky fecking up her signals. 
My son Nathan has traveled a lot and he had lived in various parts of the world, over the years.  The first time he went overseas was with his Uncle Johnny - yes the same flying fulla - around the world -  he was thirteen.  
Now he's been everywhere including Timaru where he is living right now, and he is quite a bit older than 13 but I am still worrying.  
But that all goes on inside my own head.  It doesn't have to get back to him does it :)
I am proud of my Kids, ridiculously proud actually, they all just make my heart sing.  And why shouldn't I be.

Love Mumsy xxx