Medication time....
Posted by Olivia Giles on Sunday, March 1, 2015
You have to be of a certain generation to know that line from one flew over the cuckoos nest, from the lovely Nurse Ratchett, who was as rat-shit as her name implied.
On this hardrive was my life, literally, for the last 12 year...and as anyone who knows me for the last 12 years, quite a lot has happened. I got a degree and a Advanced Grad Dip in that time, and where do you think all my research, projects, essays and assignments are.
I started a design business, gosh where do you think all my work his...I am an artist, and where do you think all the copies of my art are....also, I am a prolific writer...and where, oh where, do you think all that is. When I say all that, I mean, thousands poems, short stories and novels, finished and WTF.
Even worse then that are all my favourite movies...all the jane austens, and I mean every version...even the stupid ones like Clueless and Bride and Prejudice....yes I said it and I meant it, STUPID.
Argh *throat tightens* Twilight has gone...*I'm gonna burst into tears* Harry Potter has gone and 'It's complicated with Meryl Streep and Alec Balwin has gone....omg *hyperventilating*
All my TV is gone, Nigella, Rick Stein and River Cottage...*Prostrate on the bed shoving cherry ripes into her gob* But worse than any of that, worse than even the novels I slaved over and the quirky short stories I wrote at 4am, high on caramello...The Grimm is gone, all four seasons...yes I said it, I like supernatural police proceduals...slap me if you want. But I think gorgeous guys who speak a dozen different languages are fecking awesome. Yeah yeah yeah this guy....

I think I'm still in shock because I haven't really freaked out. And anyone who knows me, knows I am really partial to a good freak out. Which is actually, freaking me out.
Lack of freaking out, at a time where freaking out would be appropriate means, for me, that at a time when freaking out is not know, like shopping in a supermarket, competeing in a pub quiz, or even laying in bed licking the jam out of shewsbury biscuits...I could potentially freak out...
be warned
medication time *ding* medication time *ding* medication time *ding*