The Selfie collection
Click pics for  fun facts about me.

I just realised from the pics I have like three outfits.

Keto, Beers, Scrabble, Interior Design and True Love

May 25, 2022

Announcement....congratulations it's a boy...
My youngest child just turned 27 years old this week.  I am not one of those mothers who puts pictures of their kids up on their blogs because....he will shoot me, so, you will just have to take my word for it, he is gorgeous.  He is also probably one of the funniest and cleverest people I know.  Hopefully, some of that is from me but, I wouldn't put money on it.  
Ah feck it, he can shoot me....imagine this baby is now 6'2" or 187cm in modern parlance.

So, I was the crazy keto lady for 4 years, and I was strict....I was black leather corset and bull-whip type strict.  I lost a lot of weight, around 20k and then it stopped coming off and for two years I Keto-ed the feck out of myself and didn't lose a milligram.  So for 2 years I stayed the same short, boxy, gnome, that I am. 

Then, just before this Christmas I cracked...there was too much chocolate fudge cake in the house and I fell off the wagon.  Well to tell the truth I leapt off the wagon, gave the wagon the middle finger and ran away from it and hid.
So that was a few months ago and try as I might I can not seem to thumb that wagon down and jump back on it. 
I know I am putting weight back on.  My clothes are a little tighter, not that much actually, (luckily I wear a lot of "stretchy" and "black") and my neck is a little less scrawny. 
To tell the truth I really do not care about being skinnier except for the longevity aspect of it all.
Right now I am not Keto, in fact we had 'WHITE BREAD' in the house and I ate 'TOAST' with 'MARMALADE' for breakfast on sunday morning, and it was so fecking delicious. 

I have also been indulging in beers, every once in a while, well 3 times this year, to party with my favourite person, the Scotty 2 Hotty.  I am a very fun and happy drunk, my husband can attest to that.  But the next day.   OH DEAR GOD. I suffer. Which is why I gave up the sauce in the first place...the suffering made the fun not so worth it...and the suffering lasted a lot longer than the fun....days....weeks....aghhhhhh

This is where I play scrabble... every single day, as soon as I open my peepers, take my meds, and get my coffee, I play scrabble.  I do this for many reasons.  1.  I love to have a win first thing in the morning.  2.  It is expanding my vocabulary in a way more interesting way than reading a thesaurus or dictionary, or listening to over educated assholes.  

Interior Design
I am the only person in my house who cares about what the house looks like. 
I live with two huge blokey blokes who don't give a flying feck through a rolling bagel what colour, texture or tone anything is. 
I can change everything around in the house and they don't notice, unless I move their chair.   Which is the one thing I haven't done.  The dining room and lounge havn't been changed around, they aren't that big and there aren't that many configurations you can do.  We are however planning out some changes, like joining all three rooms together....but that is far in the future ...after the spa pool and deck and painting the house....oh dear, getting a bit carried away...
I am addicted to interior design videos for tiny spaces....the youtube beckons with such delights as "tiny eclectic amazing spaces" and "Home and Garden" and the classic, "Small Spaces, Big Style" and many many more.


I always wanted to be an interior designer, but then I would have to listen to other peoples ideas and ahhhh NUH, can't be arsed with that.
Interior design is about "You" or in my case "Me" and when you walk into my place you are basically looking inside my head ...or my soul and I am a complicated and very colourful mix.  

True love...tawooooo wuv...

I love my husband.  He is a very complicated uppy, downy, inny, outy person.  He is very clever but incredibly ding batty at the same time.  He thinks he is a very boring person but I don't find that at all.  He is passionate about the things he loves and couldn't give a flying feck about a lot of things that other people find important.  We are unbelievably different from each other, and at the same time, incredibly alike.  I have no idea how I got so lucky to be his other half but I am and that is awesome. 

But...right now he is driving me nuts.  He is training for his black belt in Karate, and has stepped it up from 2 days a week to 3...with an extra training on saturday morning.  I have to bite my tongue every time he groans in pain, or limps, or looked as if someone has kicked the living shit out of him because that is what he loves, being smacked around by his mates.  Ah well, what the hell can I do about that???

So that is true love, when you support whatever your loved one wants to do even when it leaves them covered in bruises and makes you fecking crazy.

Ok, signing off till I have a story to tell...Loves Olivia


May 19, 2022
I am a lucky, lucky, lucky girl.
I am sitting on my bed, in my warm, cute little house, which has been cleaned to within an inch of its life (I have no clue what that cliche means but I likes it)  It is a very grey wet day outside and I am so grateful that I am inside, with my youtubes and sugar free chocolate . 
I have the worlds bestest husband, I know there are people out there who think they have the worlds bestest husband, but you don't, you are wrong, his name is Scotty too Hotty and he ...
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OMG Its May 2022 already WTF

May 3, 2022
Hot sweaty flushes and the inability to make a cogent decision....that is me, about 150 times a day now.  Yay menopause, you mutha fucka. 
I am sitting on my bed with a fan blasting me with chilly air trying not to pass out.

This is me ...

It has been months and months since I've blogged anything and the reasons are many...
I have been working very hard (no I haven't)
I have been totally snowed under (no I wasn't)
I am overwhelmed (Yes I am), but just by life...silly every day things that most ...

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Whatever you're gonna be wrong

August 14, 2021
I recently did a poster for a classroom about concepts of tikanga maori and of course there were the usual suspects, 'Mana', 'Tino Rangatiratanga', 'Kaitiakitanga' and Manaakitanga.  I did the usual designer-y things like beautiful landscapes, overlaying transparent kowhaiwhai with the usual meanings taken from the Maori dictionary...but I thought the meanings were long winded and quite frankly lacking in description so I narrowed each down to a few words.  I sent the posters to my family and...
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Things that bother me...

July 26, 2021

There are things that are going on that are bothering the point I think about it in the middle of the night and can't come up with any solutions, because there are no solutions, they just 'are' and I have to deal with it.  

I am awkward.

I am so f*cking awkward that navigating my way through the world is a goddamn undertaking of epic proportions.
I am so awkward that I can't even have a decent conversation with my cat...she looks at me with a "oh ffs" expression and slopes off.

As we all ...

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Some money and a room of one's own...

June 30, 2021

I believe that everyone should have a "room" of their own, I know sometimes that isn't possible, but, when I say a room, it doesn't have to be an actual room, but a space in the universe to call their own.  It can be large, small, physical, spiritual or mental.  

A home in a suitcase

 My mother travelled the world for years working as a Shaman/ Matakite.  She taught  people to reconnect with the earth and themselves using the wisdoms that came to her through channel.  She helped thousands of pe...
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WTF....Writers that fuck-around

June 27, 2021

Shit happens

Okay, lately its been drama, drama, drama, all around me.  Other peoples drama, not mine.   (I can't share that with you it belongs to others damn it , I loves a good gossip) 
I don't get to have drama, I'm to busy in my garret (bedroom) knocking out my next masterpiece (playing scrabble on the computer).
By the time I am aware I am having a drama it has already passed me by and I'm like wait a minute, I'm sure something just happened...what happened??  shoot, missed it again. 

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Little Brown Princesses

June 8, 2021


When I was a little kid I was in a very bad car accident.  I was hit by a van outside my Aunty and Uncles house. 
I was at the front window waiting for my parents to come back from wherever they had been and pick me up.  When I saw their car arrive, and park across the road, I ran out of the house to it, straight into the path of an oncoming van. 
The driver had no chance, and I was hit head on and thrown a fair distance to land in a bloody heap on the road.
I remember two things from t...
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And another thing..

June 4, 2021

Where the magic happens

Rejection is painful. And as an artist I leave myself open for rejection every single time I do anything.  There is no way around it.  I have learned that when it happens  you have to feel it, all of it, every gutting shitty moment of it,  because it will pass.  Everything passes.


I just got a rejection letter from 'Pikihuia Short Story Competition" telling me that none of the stories I entered made it through as finalists.   
It was a very nice letter, but the t...
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If one person reads this I am so happy :)

May 27, 2021
My achy breaky heart

I’ve been getting heart pains lately, and I don’t know what they are.  I’ve had the ‘tests’, and been told I’m old, and I should expect this, because things are falling apart.  I’ve also been told that they are probably anxiety.
Whether they are all of the above or not, it doesn’t matter, I have things I need to get off my chest, and now is as good a time as ever.

A house a haven a home

I love my house.  It is the first real home that is mine.  My brother John...

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Not good at keeping a diary, my brain is a bit too random but will have a decent go at it.   

About Me

Olivia Giles Kia ora everyone, I am Olivia, I am a writer, and an artist, welcome to my hectic mad world.
