The Selfie collection
Click pics for  fun facts about me.

I just realised from the pics I have like three outfits.

Some money and a room of one's own...

June 30, 2021

I believe that everyone should have a "room" of their own, I know sometimes that isn't possible, but, when I say a room, it doesn't have to be an actual room, but a space in the universe to call their own.  It can be large, small, physical, spiritual or mental.  

A home in a suitcase

 My mother travelled the world for years working as a Shaman/ Matakite.  She taught  people to reconnect with the earth and themselves using the wisdoms that came to her through channel.  She helped thousands of people and she became  a Guru to some, a guide for most and an aunty to all.
What she always wanted was for her students, when they were ready,  to take their own learnings out into the world and teach. She wanted the lives that she touched to go out into the world and touch others with their own stories. Ultimately, She wanted in some way to help make the world to be a better place. 
 While she was travelling she stayed in all kinds of places from healing centres to spiritual retreats, to peoples homes, to flash hotels and cabins in the middle of Greenland. 
 All she had on her travels were her suitcases. She said that when she was missing  whanau and home, she would open her cases, take everything out, fold and rearrange her belongings and then and put it all back in. 
She said that her suitcases were her home, where-ever she was in the world. 

When Mum came back to New Zealand for the European winter and our summer she would stay with her best mate, my Dad, in Wainuiomata, (noting this is more than 20 years after their divorce) and then in Himitangi Foxton, at her whanau farm, eventually, when she decided that her travelling would slow down my brother bought her a house in Otaki, a small two bedroom cottage with huge gardens, which is the house I live in now, because my brother, bought her a bigger house across the road, and my husband Scotty bought this house off him for me. 

My house is beautiful and I love it, and in it I have a room of my own.  But that's not what I'm taking about either.

Why a room?

The reason there are so few women writers and artists of note through history are many, but one of the biggest reasons is that men have wives and women who want to be writers are wives.  And, as Yates said, "You have to choose to make a perfection of life or of work...'  Which is basically that old thing,  'You can't have it all.'

Doing it despite...

I have met many women writers who write "despite" and "as well as" everything else in their lives. 
I was one of them.  Once.
Most of them do not have a supportive partner/husband/family or even take their writing seriously. 
Most have to squeeze writing into a part of the day when it is not an encumbrance to anyone else. 
Most have a 'job' on top of the more important 'job' of taking care of a family and are still trying to write. 
Most put everything and everyone else's needs before themselves and when they do take any time to write they feel guilty about it.
Most have no space in their home specifically put aside for writing.
Women and especially once they are wives and mothers on the whole are bought up and conditioned to put everyone else's needs and wants before their own.  Because not only is that the measure of a good woman it is the measure of a good person and putting yourself and your needs first is still regarded as selfish.  Also, and most importantly so, being a wife and mother is a job.

The writing study experience

When I was studying creative writing the ratio of men to women was 10 women - 1 man, when I was on 'Te Papa Tupu' the ratio of writers was 5 - 1.  Why? 
Well, from my life's experience I have garnered this theory.  A woman always needs to know she is at least 80% good at something before they will attempt it.  Men only need to know they are 20% good at something before they will make it their life's work, career, whatever.  While women disempower themselves with doubt men kick doubts out of the way and bluster on regardless. 
I am not saying this is true for everyone, but it is true for many.
There are as many answers to that as there are people on the face of the earth.  How to fix it.  Hells bells, I have no clue.  

Do as I do not as I say

I think that if you want your kids to grow up to have no limits on themselves don't put any on them.  Don't give them your advice, your fears and your doubts, and for fuck sake don't ever think you know this world better than they do.  The world they inhabit has got nothing in common with the one we did in our formative years. 
Kids are who they are when they come into the world.  Don't ever think you can mould or change them, as my late husband David used to say, "You are just pissing in the wind."

Also, don't expect your children to have to share everything that is theirs with other kids especially their siblings. 
I remember at my 4th birthday I was about to blow out my candles and another kid at the table (a cousin who will remain nameless)  blew them out before I could.  Everyone laughed, including my parents, and it crushed me.   I was four and I can still feel it. 
That was my birthday, my moment, my cake and my candles and that kid stole it from me and what was worse, my parents let them.  Someone  could have at least lit them again so I could have another blow.  But they didn't, they thought it was cute and just carried on as if nothing happened.

If you want the women you love to have boundaries; to stick up for themselves and allow themselves to take time just for them and their passions, then show them that they are allowed to have them.  Stop teaching girls that it is a positive trait to put everyone before themselves at all times.

Let them demand rooms of their own.  

Click this to read the inspiration for this...Virginia Woolf - A room of ones own

WTF....Writers that fuck-around

June 27, 2021

Shit happens

Okay, lately its been drama, drama, drama, all around me.  Other peoples drama, not mine.   (I can't share that with you it belongs to others damn it , I loves a good gossip) 
I don't get to have drama, I'm to busy in my garret (bedroom) knocking out my next masterpiece (playing scrabble on the computer).
By the time I am aware I am having a drama it has already passed me by and I'm like wait a minute, I'm sure something just happened...what happened??  shoot, missed it again. 

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Little Brown Princesses

June 8, 2021


When I was a little kid I was in a very bad car accident.  I was hit by a van outside my Aunty and Uncles house. 
I was at the front window waiting for my parents to come back from wherever they had been and pick me up.  When I saw their car arrive, and park across the road, I ran out of the house to it, straight into the path of an oncoming van. 
The driver had no chance, and I was hit head on and thrown a fair distance to land in a bloody heap on the road.
I remember two things from t...
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And another thing..

June 4, 2021

Where the magic happens

Rejection is painful. And as an artist I leave myself open for rejection every single time I do anything.  There is no way around it.  I have learned that when it happens  you have to feel it, all of it, every gutting shitty moment of it,  because it will pass.  Everything passes.


I just got a rejection letter from 'Pikihuia Short Story Competition" telling me that none of the stories I entered made it through as finalists.   
It was a very nice letter, but the t...
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If one person reads this I am so happy :)

May 27, 2021
My achy breaky heart

I’ve been getting heart pains lately, and I don’t know what they are.  I’ve had the ‘tests’, and been told I’m old, and I should expect this, because things are falling apart.  I’ve also been told that they are probably anxiety.
Whether they are all of the above or not, it doesn’t matter, I have things I need to get off my chest, and now is as good a time as ever.

A house a haven a home

I love my house.  It is the first real home that is mine.  My brother John...

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A head full of La la la

May 13, 2021

I have written stories, short, long, middling all my life.  I have written a ton of short stories over the past 10 years, mostly because of the Huia short story competition which is now called Pikihuia.  I've been a finalist three times, yay, with 4 stories yay yay.  
When I say I have written "tons” I have started "tons" and finished about 30% of them.  I have to be honest here, I am a bit of a digital hoarder and I hardly ever okay I never delete word docs so, consequently I have a bajill...

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Hey there....

April 25, 2021
I watch a lot of YouTube blogs and many many of them start with the blogger apologising for not posting for long periods of time as if people are waiting for them with bated breath.  I know that no one is waiting for me to blog and that is just fine. I talk to myself a lot anyway so this won't be any different.

Te Papa Tupu

For the past six months I have been locked in a dark room hunched over my laptop rewriting and polishing the crap (hopefully) out of my manuscript with notes from my Mentor,...
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The bird that sounds like a car alarm

November 25, 2020
Is there such a thing as car alarm bird, and what does it look like so I can get a gun, that's a bit mean, that stupid feathered article has no clue it wakes me up every morning and keeps me from going to sleep at night until it stops tooting its stupid head off.  Then I saw it, a Tui.  Dang it.

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No Hugs

November 23, 2020
The ‘Covid’ did a very weird thing to my writing process.  When things of such historical significance should be written about, especially at the “grass roots” (code for poor people) level, I couldn’t write about it at all.  

The Lockdown

My life was whittled down to the barest version of itself.  It was just me and the husband, “Scotty too Hotty”, together, alone as our kids are grown and gone.  The rest of the fam were zoomed in every week for designated making sure everyone was...

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The promise of equity versus the bullshitness of equality

November 19, 2020
I can't move furniture because all my muscle strength is in the lower half of my body where it pushed out my munchkins at various points during my more youthful years.  I also can't because I am old and more to the point I can't be arsed,
As far as I am concerned that is what MEN are for.  Go on, you may bleat on about equality, I don't care, Ive seen equality and.- as far as I am concerned - yes I love that phrase and I will be using it a lot - it is a lie to get women to do even more work t...
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Not good at keeping a diary, my brain is a bit too random but will have a decent go at it.   

About Me

Olivia Giles Kia ora everyone, I am Olivia, I am a writer, and an artist, welcome to my hectic mad world.
