What are brains???????
Posted by Olivia Giles on Sunday, March 30, 2014
This morning my husband and I were sitting in a small cafe in Plimmerton waiting for our Sunday treat, breakfast, alone, together.
The conversation ambled through various topics, tv, music, noisy neighbours, movies, science fiction eventually pouncing on 'Star Trek' the new franchise films. Because of Benedict Cumberbatch....*droooool*

Personally, I didn't get the first of the new star treks at all. All the string theory, black hole, alternative universe, existence stuff, sailed straight over the top of my head.
Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek is too firmly wedged in my mind due to copious re runs, movies, and the fact that at the tender age of nine I fell in love with James T Kirk and Spock simultaneously. Yes I would have gone for the intergalactic inter-species sandwich, and as we know, James T Kirk is not averse to woman of colour and neither is Spock.
Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek is too firmly wedged in my mind due to copious re runs, movies, and the fact that at the tender age of nine I fell in love with James T Kirk and Spock simultaneously. Yes I would have gone for the intergalactic inter-species sandwich, and as we know, James T Kirk is not averse to woman of colour and neither is Spock.
Anyway, for some reason neither of us could remember the actor that played James T Kirk.
Yes I know that you probably know and are shouting it at the screen right this minute. But his name had completely deserted us.
Yes I know that you probably know and are shouting it at the screen right this minute. But his name had completely deserted us.
'It's the internets fault.' I said, 'Google has rendered memory redundant.'
So brekie arrived and as we delved into the deep fried glory of a 'full English' my husband, his fork points millimetres from his mouth shouts. 'William Shatner.'
'James T Kirk--William Shatner.'
'Oh yeah sure ', thats right.' I said, having forgotten we were having the conversation.
'I went into my library to the movie archive, went to the science fiction aisle and went along the shelf until I found him.'
'Your what????????????'
'My brain is exactly like the Porirua Library, I know where everything is.'
'Your brain has a dewey decimal system.'
'Yeah.' He said. 'Everything is always in the same place.'
I marvel at that because my brain does not have a dewey or any other sort of system.
'Yeah.' He said. 'Everything is always in the same place.'
I marvel at that because my brain does not have a dewey or any other sort of system.
My mind is a huge house with hundreds of dazzling brightly lit rooms full of stuff, joined by a long dark twisting shadowy hallway, in which I spend a lot of time, with a wee willy winky candle holder in my hand, looking up and down at the doors muttering, 'I'm sure it was along here somewhere.'
The rooms are amazing. All are painted some vibrant primal colours and have windows that see out onto forever. They are stuffed full of things like........:
comfy couches,
40 years of TV,
stupid movies I watch again and again,
passed lovers,
Jane Austen
Jane Austen
teetering towers of mattresses with a ladder to climb to the top
like the princess and the pea,
like the princess and the pea,
mills and boons,
Gustav Klimt,
Van Gogh
Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie
old friends,
useless facts,
Edward De Bono
Edward De Bono
unfathomable mathematical equations,
Ice cream flavours
Ice cream flavours
jump rocks,
lime milkshakes,
sausages and mash,
candied ginger
locked closets rattling with scary things
and lots and lots more....
and lots and lots more....
I do spend time in the rooms with the doors locked lying on a couch eating choccies and snoozing while the rest of me is creating stuff, but if I have to be really truly honest,
I spend a hell of a lot more time standing in the dark................
I spend a hell of a lot more time standing in the dark................
helloooooooo from the dark