googly eyes

Hello lovely, 

I'm writing this from bed, not that I'm poorly, I write mostly in bed in the morning and then get up at 1pm and to do the housework etc...
I'm working on three novels at the moment, my favourite is sucking up all my attention because it is a book I really want to read, that's why I am racing through it, because I want to read it...nuts aye.

Talking about stories...

Who doesn't love a bit of celebrity disaster huh...

Jenny from the Block

They so pretty pretty pretty

In my head is another world where celebrities live their lives, the way I think they do, not the reality of the situation at all, because I have no fecking clue how they live...or who they are as people. 

I can only look at the package.

A while ago I kinda skipped through Jennifer Lopez's documentary on the Netflix called "The greatest love story never told". For a start she must be a bit oblivious if she thinks that story hasn't been told, it has been told and told and told. 
I don't particular like J-Lo .  Not because we have a personal beef, she hasn't borrowed money off me and forgotten to pay me back or anything like that, hells bells, I have never met the woman. I don't like her because of the way she ALLEDGEDLY treats people. 

I watch a lot of YouTubes made by people who have come in contact with her, especially people in the service industry who say,  her husband, Ben Affleck is a big tipper, he will give a server something like a $50 or $100 and J-lo will snatch it back out of the servers hand and give them a $5.

Jenny from the block my arse.

Yeah yeah, I know,  hear-say, hear-say. I could be completely wrong, but I doubt that I am.  I've met some of the high and mighty who treat little people (like me, when I worked in the service industry) like crap.

 I CAN NOT STAND is people treating hospitality staff badly. I detest it, and the worst is when drunk men or women in groups harass attractive young serving staff.   

That young person is trying to make a living you and they can't afford to tell you to feck off. That instant connection you think you are having with them is all inside your head. They do not find you funny, or attractive when you are accidentally touching their arse or saying how gorgeous they are.  To them you are just a  drunk sweaty ugly mess.   LEAVE THEM ALONE.  

The documentary

So, in the documentary Ben Affleck had  collated all the letters, emails and texts he'd sent to J-lo, in chronological order, since they first got together pre-the other Jennifer, and post the other Jennifer, and had them made into a book.

I mean, that is a lovely brilliant romantic gift by any measure.  I mean come on. 
Although some of the letters were ALLEDGEDLY written while he was married to the other Jennifer...  

The other Jennifer

Now this girl can kick ass and bake a pie, my favourite kind of woman

So, J-Lo had taken this beautiful romantic gift, made copies of it and handed it out to her ENTOURAGE as material to inspire the documentary and her next album.   

WTF I mean literally, WHAT THE F*CKING F*CK.

Ben Affleck was on that documentary and he looked mighty pissed she'd done it.   I mean, come on, when a man gives a woman his heart and she turns it into a documentary and an album.  Some things are not mean to be out in the world to generate money.  

Surprise Surprise Surprise

They are now getting divorced.  She filed on the day of their 2 year anniversary.

The Press 

Of course speculation is rife, the press is reporting all sorts of things that are probably 90% untrue.  Like this blog, but I did say ALLEGEDLY, hopefully that is my get out of jail card.

Why am I ranting about these people. 

Because this is a story. 

Its a great story.  From him falling in love with J-Lo, then them breaking up, him falling in love with Jennifer Garner, J-Lo falling in love with Marc Anthony, and both couples having kids, J-lo falling out of love with Marc Anthony because he is ALLEDGEDLY a bit of a twat, Ben falling out of love with Jennifer Garner and being so depressed he's drinking himself silly,  to him and J-Lo getting back together.

It is a beautifully crafted dynamic narrative with all the bits great stories are made of. 

But now J-Lo and Ben Affleck are getting divorced.  What will happen next ? 

That's just it. We have no freekin clue,  I know what I want to happen to fulfil my wish for a tidy denouement...but that is the point.  What is happening in my head is not real because it involves real people, and real people are messy contradictive idiots who womble through life with no plan. 

The continuing Saga of my Cancer Story...blah blah blah


Last week I had to get a CT Scan and tattoos, so they know where to aim the radiation when I start that part of the treatment in a couple of weeks. The tattoos are just cute little dots, and the ct tech people were a bit apologetic about needing to tattoo me until they saw the massive biarch of a tattoo I have on my back.  If anyone wants a gander at it I will post a picture.  I designed it myself and there is a story attached to it.

One weird thing happened though, the CT Scan picked up a piece of metal inside me, near my liver, and I have absolutely no idea what it is or how it got in there.  The technician thought it was a stent left in there for a Gaul bladder operation which I've never had. 

(No wonder I keep getting strip searched at airports) 

My sister Lyn thinks I was kidnapped by aliens and they implanted something and when I told my Scotty to Hotty he said, "Bugger, they found the tracker hahaha."

ah well a bit of a mystery.

In yet another waiting room

Should I be worried, my husband has taken to wearing his slippers

Things are good really.  I feel a bit...'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times' ... yeah, that Charles Dickens really knew his shit. 

I had a meeting with this lovely lady from Raukawa Whanau ora, who came to talk to me about transport from Otaki to the hospital as Scotty too Hotty has used all his sick leave up on his own surgery earlier this year and me.  Not only was the coordinator a lovely lovely person but she gave me this amazing gift.

There was also a gorgeous metal thermos is there but it disappeared...another mystery aye Scotty too hotty...

My lovely prezzi from Raukawa Whanau ora...thank you so much

There is not much else to say, apart from the saga is great...and I am so grateful for an amazing life that I live every moment of every day.

Big loves to everyone Axxx.  

PS.   In the USA most hospo people make all their money from tips.  So for any rich fecker that takes money out of the servers hands is taking food out of their mouths, and the mouths of the people they may be supporting.
And people, please tip your server here, they get paid ef all and a lot of them are working long hours and split shifts which is a real form of torture.